H. Shelton Stromquist
Shelton Stromquist works primarily in the fields of U.S. labor and social history, though his research and teaching have taken a comparative and global turn in the last few years.
His first book, A Generation of Boomers: The Pattern of Railroad Labor Conflict in Nineteenth-Century America – originally a dissertation directed by David Montgomery at the University of Pittsburg – examined railroad strikes and working-class community in the “era of Great Upheaval.” That work also led him to an interest in the transformation of working-class political culture during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. While not primarily focused on the Sombart question – “Why no socialism in the United States?" – his research has uncovered a rich and diverse vein of labor and socialist urban politics that represented, at least in the municipal realm, a social democratic impulse he believes is comparable in many ways to what developed in cities of Western Europe and the Antipodes.
In the past few years, Shel has cast his research net more widely to better understand the comparative context of U.S. municipal labor politics in the period 1890-1920. As the University of Iowa Global Scholar, he has been able to do intensive research on the municipal setting of labor and socialist politics in England, Sweden, Germany, Australia, New Zealand and Austria (Vienna). He is pulling this research together for a book, tentatively titled, Social Democracy in the City: The Politics of Urban Reform in Comparative Perspective, 1890-1920.
Over his years at Iowa, Shel has been drawn to a number of other related projects which examine the meaning and historical significance of class in American life; the regional processes of class formation (with particular attention to the Midwest); and global patterns of labor mobilization, recruitment and conflict. His book, Reinventing "the People": The Progressive Movement, the Class Problem and the Origins of Modern Liberalism (published in February 2006 by the University of Illinois Press), explores the Progressive Era origins of American liberals' unwillingness to see the world in class terms. He edited a recently published collection of essays, Labor's Cold War: Local Politics in a Global Context (University of Illinois Press). His continuing interest in Midwestern radical and labor reform traditions is reflected in his book Solidarity and Survival: An Oral History of Iowa Labor in the Twentieth Century (1995) and in the collection of essays he edited with Marvin Bergman, Unionizing the Jungles: Labor and Community in the Twentieth-Century Meatpacking Industry. His work on the global dimensions of labor history is reflected in two recent essays, "Railroad Workers and the Global Economy: Historical Patterns," and with Hugh Cunningham, "Child Labor and the Rights of Children: Historical Patterns of Decline and Persistence."
He earned a PhD from the University of Pittsburgh in 1981.
Professor Stromquist has taught undergraduate courses on the history of the American working class, the Gilded Age and Progressive Eras, and the history of U.S. immigration. His graduate courses—both readings and seminars—were generally in the area of U.S. social and labor history and recently, comparative labor history.
Courses recently taught include:
- HIST:2251 (16A:051) Colloquium for History Majors (American)
- HIST:4250 (16A:141) Work and Society in Industrializing America
- HIST:4252 (16A:142) American Labor in the Twentieth Century
- HIST:4254 (16A:146) Immigrant America 1845-1925
- HIST:4256 (16A:166) The Progressive Era in America
- HIST:6120 (16:249) Teaching Seminar for Graduate Instructors
- HIST:7150 (16:260) Readings in Comparative Labor History
- HIST:7253 (16:265) Seminar American Social History
- HIST:7255 (16:266) Readings in Gilded Age and Progressive Era
- HIST:7254 (16:273) Readings in American Social History
Awards and service
- Collegiate Fellow, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (2004-2009, 2010-2015)
- National Endowment for the Humanities, Research Fellowship, (2011-12)
- Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award, University of Iowa Graduate College (2003)
- Arts and Humanities Initiative Grant (2000, 2002, 2004, 2006)
- Global Scholar Award, University of Iowa (2002-2004)
- Arts and Humanities Initiative Grant, University of Iowa (2002-2003)
- American Council of Learned Societies Grant-in-aid (1986-1987)
- National Endowment for the Humanities (Summer 1985)
- Old Gold Summer Fellowships (1983, 1984)
- Newberry Library Fellowship (1977)
- A David Montgomery Reader: Essays on Capitalism and Worker Resistance (2024) Edited by Shelton Stromquist and James R. Barrett
- Claiming the City: A Global History of Workers’ Fight for Municipal Socialism
- Frontiers of Labor: Comparative Histories of the Unites States and Australia
- Labor's Cold War: Local Politics in a Global Context
- Reinventing "the People": The Progressive Movement, the Class Problem and the Origins of Modern Liberalism
- The Pullman Strike and the Crisis of the 1890's: Essays on Labor, Politics and the State
- Solidarity and Survival: An Oral History of Iowa Labor in the Twentieth Century
- A Generation of Boomers: The Pattern of Railroad Labor Conflict in Nineteenth-Century America
- “Municipal Socialism” in The Cambridge History of Socialism Volume II
- “The United States in an Era of Global Revolution” IN Rethinking Revolutions from 1905 to 1934: Democracy, Social Justice and National Liberation around the World
- “The University of Iowa Labor Center and the Attacks on Labor"
- "Domestic 'Dogs of War' Unleashed: The Comparative Fates of Municipal Labor and Socialist Politics in the United States and Australia during the Great War"
- Retrospective: David Montgomery, A Labor Historian's Legacies
- "Municipal Socialism and the Contested Politics of Everyday Life, 1890-1920," IN: Intervention. The Impact of Labour Movements on Social and Cultural Development
- "Building a New Working-Class Politics from Below" in LABOR RISING: The Past and Future of Working People in America
- Claiming Political Space: Workers, Municipal Socialism, and the Reconstruction of Local Democracy in Transnational Perspectives
- “Rethinking Working-Class Politics in Comparative-Transnational Contexts” in Rethinking U.S. Labor History – Essays on the Working-Class Experience, 1756-2009
- 'Thinking Globally; Acting Locally': Municipal Labour and Socialist Activism in Comparative Perspective, 1890-1920
- "'Our rights as workingmen': Class traditions and collective action in a nineteenth-century railroad town, 1869-1882," in he Great Strikes of 1877
- "Railroad Workers and the Global Economy: Historical Patterns" in Towards a Global Labor History in the 21st Century
- "Child Labor and the Rights of Children: Historical Patterns of Decline and Persistence" in Child Labor and Human Rights: Making Children Matter
- "Making Space: Municipal Socialists' Challenge to Elite Rule in New Zealand, Australia, and the United States, 1890-1920"
- Contesting the Master Narrative: Essays in Social History
- Unionizing the Jungles: Labor and Community in the Twentieth-Century Meatpacking Industry
- "Class Wars: Frank Walsh, the Reformers, and the Crisis of Progressivism" in Labor Histories: Class, Politics, and the Working-Class Experience
- "The Crucible of Class: Cleveland Politics and the Origins of Municipal Reform in the Progressive Era" in Journal of Urban History
Research areas
- American, social, and labor history