Michael E. Moore
Michael Edward Moore was a member of our Medieval and European contingent. He received his higher education at the University of Michigan, earning a BA in 1984 (Phi Beta Kappa) and a PhD in 1993. At Michigan he studied with Czeslaw Milosz and Hans Küng.
As a professor he was inspired by the capacity of higher education to liberate and broaden the mind. He is in love with books, the crowded shelves of libraries, papers conserved in archives, the old drama of ink and paper, ideas jotted down in notebooks and journals. Books allow us to experience the "ancient newness" of reading, and open an infinite world of interpretation, reflection, and learning. Education and study in the humanities is a major legacy of the ancient-medieval past, when it was called studia humanitatis.
Dr. Moore's research centers on ecclesiastical, legal and scholarly traditions of Europe from late antiquity through the Carolingian Empire. His work encompasses the history of medieval politics, the history of scholarship, the papacy, liturgy, royal law, canon law, and the "history of history." Recently he has begun to study the history of philology and hermeneutics.
Dr. Moore has also written on topics such as: ancient Arcadia, Nicholas of Cusa, Jean Mabillon, Emmanuel Lévinas, and Czeslaw Milosz. He is searching for paths that lead from older literary traditions to the complexity of modern culture.
His first book: A Sacred Kingdom: Bishops and the Rise of Frankish Kingship, 300-850, was published by Catholic University of America Press in 2011, with the assistance of a subvention from the University of Iowa.
His most recent book: Nicholas of Cusa and the Kairos of Modernity: Cassirer, Gadamer, Blumenberg, was published by Punctum Press in 2013.
Dr. Moore has presented his scholarship internationally, at conferences in the U.S. and Canada, England, France, Germany, Hungary and the Netherlands. His scholarly publications have appeared in the U.S., Belgium, Canada, Israel, Italy, France, and the Netherlands.
Dr. Moore has taught:
- HIST:1000 First-Year Seminar: Work or Freedom? The Value of a Liberal Arts Education
- HIST:1000 First-Year Seminar: Cities in History
- HIST:1402 Western Civilization II
- HIST:2151 Introduction to the History Major: Living in the Tenth Century
- HIST:3409 Medieval Civilization I
- HIST:3410 Medieval Civilization II
- HIST:3423 Ireland in the Early Middle Ages
- HIST:4412 History of the Medieval Church: Saint Augustine
- HIST:4414 Christianity and Empire (35-450 AD)
- HIST:4417/MDVL:4417 Medieval Intellectual History: The Search for Meaning in History
- HIST:4418/MDV:4418 Medieval Intellectual History: Medieval to Modern
- HIST:4423/MDVL:4423 Ireland in the Early Middle Ages
- HIST:4441 Kings and Philosophers, 1300-1789
- HIST:2483 History of Britain up to the Norman Invasion
- HIST:6001 Colloquium for History Majors: Demons, Dragons and Other Medieval Problems
- HIST:6001 Colloquium for History Majors: Up North: North. Europe in the Early Middle Ages
- HIST:7199 History Workshop Theory and Interpretation (now HIST:6003)
- HIST:7419 Readings Medieval Intellectual History
- History Workshop Theory and Interpretation (Graduate)
- Teaching Proseminar (Graduate)
- Readings in Medieval Intellectual History. Historical Narrative from the Bible to the Middle Ages
- Special Topics in History: Kings and Philosophers
- Independent Study: Early Church History Group
Awards and service
- International Programs International Travel Grants, University of Iowa, 2012 and 2011
- Visiting Research Fellow, Trinity College Dublin (Dublin, Ireland), 2010
- Old Gold Fellowship, 2010
- Visiting Scholar with Summer Fellowship, Max-Planck Institute for European Legal History/ Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte (Frankfurt, Germany) in 2011, 2009 and 2007
- Visiting Scholar with Summer Fellowship, Herzog August Library/ Herzog-August Bibliothek (Wolfenbüttel, Germany), 2006
- American Philosophical Society – Franklin Research Grant, 2004
- Visiting Scholar with Summer Fellowship, Max-Planck Institute for History/ Max-Planck-Institut für Geschichte (Göttingen, Germany), 2002
- DAAD Study Visit Fellowship / German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst), 2001
- Andrew W. Mellon Foreign Area Fellow, Library of Congress (Washington, D.C.), 2000
- Marjorie Rapaport Award in Poetry, 1984
Publications and other information on Academia.edu: uiowa.academia.edu/MichaelEdwardMoore
Research areas
- Medieval and European history
- History of the church
- Papal history
- Medieval canon law
- Theory and practice of interpretation - philology and hermeneutics
- History of ideas
- Late Medieval intellectual history